Affinity - Discover the music magic of Anthony Lun
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The things that come and go in our lifes, music says them all.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Introduction Section
Question: Where does the name "Affinity" originate from?
  • Affinity is the literal translation of Anthony's family name "Lun" (­Û in Chinese).
  • It means close relationship and similarity of character.
  • Anthony's supporters all over the world are enchanted by his music,
  • Affinity is the family uniting all these people together.
Question: Does Anthony know about Affinity?
Answer: Anthony learned about the existence of Affinity back to July 1998, he has been very supportive towards Affinity since. Anthony contributed many things including exclusive photos, interviews, etc and he gave many precious comments during the re-launch of Affinity. In year 2001, Affinity has become the officially internet fan club of Anthony Lun under his supervision.
Question: What is Affinity's slogan?
Answer: "Discover the music magic of Anthony Lun"
Question: Who's the founder of Affinity?
Answer: Ms. Monica Pun
Question: How long has Affinity been established? ?
Answer: Affinity was established in August 15, 1998 in Hong Kong.
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