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Title: µ^±ß©]¬õÀ]ÄÌ
Publisher: OFM Rating:   45.6%
Released Time: Year 2007 Total Vote: 3
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Song List by ID (30 votes)
ID Title Lyrics Audio Video Vote Favourite Rating #
1 §Ú¬°§A¦Ó¥Í
x - - x - (31.2%) 2
2 ¦]§A·¥Ãø¥N´À
x - - x - (55.2%) 2
3 Let Me Be The One
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
4 §Aª¾¹D§Ú¦bµ¥§A¶Ü
x - - x - (36.8%) 1
5 ·R¹L´N¬O§¹¥þ
x - - x - (55.2%) 2
6 ¤ß¤´¬O§N
x - - x - (57.6%) 3
7 ¯v¦¿©]¦±
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
8 On Broadway/ Lullaby of Broadway
x - - x - (N/A) 0
9 ¿ûµ^«áªº¤H
x - - x - (N/A) 0
10 I Write The Songs
x - - x - (N/A) 0
11 Compositions Medley - ¨C¬q¸ô/ ¯PµK¬õ®B/ ¶Â©]ªº°\/ ¤@¨Ç/ ¨S¦³µo¥Íªº·R±¡/ ÉA³£©í/ ¿ô¿ô/ ¿N/ ²Ä¥|±ß¤ß±¡/ µL¦W¤p¨ò/«Ê­±¤k­¦/ ¶É±×/ ¤£¥i¤£«H¡K½t/ ¯º¬Ý­·¶³ÅÜ/ §Ú¬°¦óÅý§A¨«/ ÀR©]ªº³æ®ºÞ/ §Ú»¡¹L­n§A§Ö¼Ö
x - - x - (61.2%) 2
12 ©R¹B§Ú¾ÞÁa/ I Write The Songs
x - - x - (N/A) 0
13 §Î¹³»s³y«°
x - - x - (N/A) 0
14 ¥ð¤î²Å
x - - x - (N/A) 0
15 ¤£­n­«¼½
x - - x - (61.2%) 2
16 ¨S°Û¥X¨Óªº·Pı
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
17 ±¡ÀDZ¡¾K±¡²o
x - - x - (N/A) 0
18 §â¿½¨¹¦û»â
x - - x - (N/A) 0
19 °l¬PªÌ
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
20 èÖ¤§»R
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
21 South America Medley - a. Copacaban/a b. Buenos Aires/ c. YMCA
x - - x - (N/A) 0
22 µ¹ÅÊ·R³Üªö
x - - x - (N/A) 0
23 ºqµü/±q¤£ª¾
x - - x - (61.2%) 2
24 Talk
- - - x - (N/A) 0
25 Smile
x - - x - (N/A) 0
26 ±q¦ó°Û°_ duet with ±i·q°a
x - - x - (N/A) 0
27 µù©w¬Û·R duet with ¤ýÛ`¤§
x - - x - (N/A) 0
28 ·Ï«B¬õ²î duet with ³¯Ä_¯]
x - - x - (48.8%) 1
29 §Ú»¡¹L­n§A§Ö¼Ö/ §Úªº¤ß duet with ³¯¼äÆF
§@¦±¡G­Û¥Ã«G¡@§@µü¡G¦V³·Ãh / §@¦±¡G­Û¥Ã«G¡@§@µü¡GªL¤i
x - - x - (61.6%) 3
30 ­«ÀY»{ÃÑ duet with ¸­¼w¼_
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
31 ¦pªG¨S¦³§A duet with ¸­¼w¼_
§@¦±¡G­Û¥Ã«G §@µü¡G¶À°¶¤å
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
32 ¨F¨Fªº«B duet with §f¤è
x - - x - (N/A) 0
33 ¤£­n­«¼½ duet with §f¤è
x - - x - (N/A) 0
34 ¥dªù (¨R­á¤ô²Dª©) duet with ¸â·ç¤å
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
35 Á`¦³§A¹ªÀy duet with §õ°ê²»
x - - x - (60.8%) 1
36 ¤º¤ßÀ¸ duet with §õ°ê²»
§@¦±¡G­Û¥Ã«G/³¯¿A©¾ §@µü¡GªL¤i
x - - x - (N/A) 0
37 ¤µ¤é duet with ³¯«³¨³
- - - x - (60.8%) 1


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